Elecraft was founded in 1998 by Wayne Burdick (N6KR) and Eric Swartz (WA6HHQ).

Wayne and Eric ship the 1st 100 K2s (January 1999)

Elecraft Headquarters (2016)

Eric interviewing Hope, KM4IPF at Dayton 2017

Visalia Trade Show 2017
FPO About Elecraft Video Here

Founders: Wayne Burdick, N6KR, and Eric Swartz, WA6HHQ
Founded in 1998, Elecraft offers full-featured transceivers and accessories both as factory-assembled and easy-to-build kits. The latter makes us unique among major ham manufacturers.
We can trace our company’s roots back to Field Day – the ultimate proving grounds for radio gear as well as hams themselves. Our design philosophy was clear from the beginning: Our radios would offer both high performance and portability. These two goals have spawned seven complete transceiver product lines.
It all began with the K2, a three-pound, all-HF-band, all-mode radio with a traditional desktop form-factor. The K2 achieved wide acclaim from users and testing organizations alike, and is still available today as a full kit, in 10- and 100-watt versions.
From there, Elecraft’s transceivers branched in two directions. One emphasized ultra-portability, while the other was optimized for desktop use.
The ultra-portable lineage started in 2001 with the K1 and later the KX1 (both CW only, covering up to four bands). Both enjoyed a loyal following among QRP operators and first-time kit builders, though they are no longer available. Today, the lineup consists of two of the most highly integrated and power-efficient small

radios ever offered: the all-band/all-mode KX2 and KX3. Both are “trail-friendly” SDRs (software-defined radios) with controls and display on top, attachable keyer paddle in the front, internal batteries, and an internal wide-range automatic antenna tuner. They can even be used hand-held. Both feature a wide range of DSP-based operating features and very low current drain, and are favored by portable operators around the world for SOTA, HF pack, and lightweight DXpedition use. A 100-watt amplifier (KXPA100) is available to transform KX-line radios into powerful home or mobile stations.
Meanwhile, Elecraft’s desktop line progressed from the K3, to the K3S, and most recently to the K4. Thanks to its superhet receiver’s performance, the K3 quickly became the rig of choice for many contest, DXpedition, and multi-transmitter stations. The K4 builds on the K3’s legacy, but with a twist: it uses a high-performance SDR architecture in its basic form that can be outfitted with a dual-superhet front end for stations that experience extreme signal levels.
Elecraft has also earned a reputation as a premier supplier of high-power, solid-state linear amplifiers. Our first amp, the KPA500, is a compact, dependable workhorse in use by thousands of hams. It has a companion 500-watt ATU (KAT500). Also available is the full-legal-limit KPA1500, which includes an internal ATU and space-saving separate power supply. The KPA1500 and K4 share the same enclosure size and styling, together forming Elecraft’s flagship “twins.”
Our goal for the future is to continue to innovate in directions that benefits our customers. To this end, we actively participate in our vibrant user community. Elecraft has always emphasized both “hands-on ham radio” and uncompromising customer support.