Elecraft Proudly Sponsored the Clipperton 2024 DXpedition

Congratulations, Clipperton 2024 Team!

Learn MoreIf you're off the grid, or just off the beaten path, stay in touch...with an Elecraft KX2.
Learn MoreDespite its size, it covers amateur bands from 160-6 meters, operates in all modes, and has DSP-based features found on larger radios.

KPA500 & KAT500 Power Combo
MOREAdd more punch to your signal with a Power Combo - KPA500, 500W Linear Amp and the KAT500 High Power ATU.
Smallest Stand-Alone ATU!
What's Cool...
MOREThe T1 is the only automatic antenna tuner that's sized to match today's small QRP rigs. It's one-fourth the size of other compact ATUs. And at just 5 ounces.
K4D Packages
MOREWe've taken the most popular K4D options and accessories our customers have purchased and configured three K4D packages to fit your operation style.
What's the Next Best Thing to Being There?
Does a 3D presentation of the KX2 sound interesting? How about a KPA1500 and a K4 demo? Are you thinking about building a K2?
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The KPA1500 is by far the best andeasiest amplifier I have ever owned. Well worth the price. The built-in tuner is Wonderful.
- Van Clark, N0FG
I own a K3, Kx3, KX2, P3 and a PX3. Love your products and have never experienced any problems with any of them. My preference is always low power and QRP and never do I exceed 100 watts. Wonderful, reliable products achieving excellent results.
- Glenn Stansfield, VE3FLT
K3S, 5 filters, Gen. Coverage Receiver, 100 watt amp, Digital Recorder,K-Pod, KAT-500, KPA-500, P3 and VGA output. All work flawlessly as if one piece. The K3S is akin to a pair of hearing aids. Signals come out of nowhere and allow me to hear distant signals and the KPA-500 allows the DX to hear me. A perfect balance. Assembling it all was fun too!
- Les Butler, W8MSP
I just used a pair of KPA1500s in the CA QSO Party, full bore, CW only, for 24 hours. The performance was solid, no glitches. QSK was silent and fast. My Alpha 87As are now for sale.
- Bob Wilson, N6TV
Like a diamond, a KX3 is forever. Thank you very much for building such great radios. I really love my KX3.
- IU5HIW, Nino from Tuscany
I have finally arrived at a wonderful configuration: K3S, P3, KPA500, and KAT500. I find it is absolutely marvelous, with pain-free system integration-it is like having a 500 W transceiver and broadband antenna covering 160-6 m. I have been a happy Elecraft owner since August 2015 with the purchase of my K3S.
- Bob, K4TAX
Ham radio has opened the joy missed since Heathkit went out of business. Fortunately, Elecraft is filing the space left. I never had such joy as when I assembled my K2, and had it working.
- Hans Elfelt Bonnesen, Oz5rb
I am a happy owner of a K3S and a KX2. All radios are full optional. Thank you very much for existing. All the best to you and your colleagues, from Trieste, North East Italy.
- Elio Flego - IV3OTB
Wow! I made my first contact today with my new KX2 with DK9PY. The band had been dead all day and it suddenly opened up after 3 pm with him come blasting in 599 S9 at 1939Z on 14.026. I was only running 5 watts into a 25 ft random wire as 10 watts had set off my burglar alarm. It is amazing the number of ways the KX2 can reduce QRN and QRM. It is my new best friend.
- William Dressler
Happy owner of K1 - K2 - K3 - K4 - KX1 - KX2 - KX3 - KPA100 - KPA500 - P3 - PX3 and some accessories...I got hit by Elecraft bug two years ago and couldn't resist to get them all! I love them all...
- Alberto I2KBD
My KX3, PX3, and KXPA100 are without a doubt the best home station I have ever used.
- Robert, KA3AYY