The XG3 is a powerful programmable signal source that fits in the palm of your hand.
It's a versatile tool that may be used for receiver testing, receiver alignment, RF signal tracing and troubleshooting and may even serve as a VFO or local oscillator for homebrew projects.

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The XG3 is a miniature RF signal source that provides output from 1.5 MHz through 1400 MHz. Four commonly used selectable output levels are calibrated from 1.5 through 200MHz.
The XG3 may be operated from its internal battery or from an external 11-14VDC source. It is housed in a protective enclosure with easy-to-use front panel switches and LED indicators.
Since the XG3 is small and portable it’s ideal for quickly checking the performance of equipment in the field as well as at the home station.
- Frequency Range: 1.5-200 MHz range, with a typical resolution of 1-24 Hz. (Up to 1400MHz via harmonics)
- Frequency Stability: ±50 ppm, maximum.
- Signal Characteristics: Highly stable RF square wave; phase noise -105 dBc/Hz
- Reverse Power: Shunt diodes and a fusible pc trace link provide limited protection.
- Preset Frequencies: 12 frequencies preset at the factory - one in each Amateur band from 160 through 2 meters. Frequencies may be changed using a personal computer.
- Sweep Mode: Two frequency ranges preset. The sweep speed and the frequency increment for each step may be programmed using a personal computer.
- Computer Interface: RS-232 or USB: Allows changing the preset frequencies and operating the XG3 from a personal computer using the XG3 Utility program available free from Elecraft.
- Selectable Output Levels: Four levels, calibrated from 1.5 through 200 MHz: 0 dBm (± 3 dB), -33 dBm, -73 dBm, - 107 dBm (± 1 dB typ).
- Output Impedance: 50 ohms.
- Power: Internal 9-volt battery or external 11-14 VDC supply Power Consumption: External supply, 60 mA maximum at 0 dBm output. Less at lower output levels. Internal battery drain, up to 50 mA at 0dBm output, 25 mA typical at lower output levels. Programmable automatic power shutoff.
- Frequency Resolution: Limited by the internal PLL divisor precision. Typical values are as follows: 1.5 to 66 MHz: 1 to 10 Hz. 67 to 159 MHz: 1 to 12 Hz. 160 to 200 MHz: 1 to 24 Hz
Q: What cables come in the box with the XG3?
A: The XG3 will include a KXUSB. The KXUSB cable connects the XG3 to a computer for customized set up of the XG3 operation using the XG3 Utility. This is a free utility available for download from the Elecraft Firmware and Software site.
Q: In addition to generating a continuous wave (CW) signal, what modulation does the XG3 produce?
A: The XG3 can be programmed to send RTTY in addition to CW for some applications.
Q: What other applications can I use an XG3 for?
A: In addition to generating RF signals for testing, the XG3 can be used as a beacon and for fox hunts. You can set the XG3 up to send messages at repeating intervals for those applications. Further, you can have these messages sent in CW and RTTY modes. See the XG3 Owner's Manual for the details on how these can be set up and operated.
Q: Can I use the XG3 to test Minimum Discernible Signals (MDS) and other receiver performance specs?
A: Yes. The XG3 can produce the signals needed to perform basic performance measurements even if you are not in the shack. Further, the XG3 Owner's Manual provides some stepped procedures to show you how to perform the tests.
Q: Can I quickly test S9 specs on a transceiver?
A: Yes, the XG3 produces pre-calibrated signal levels on all the ham bands for quick testing even if you're at a flea market.
The XG3 has been produced with the amateur operator's need in mind. Unlike a lab-grade signal generator, the XG3 contains all the functions needed by the amateur operator such as, testing for S9, selecting frequencies in the ham bands and self-contained, battery power for portability.
Q: How can I make the XG3 produce signals of different magnitudes beyond what I can select with the XG3 controls?
A: You can use the XG3 in addition to our AT1 Attenuator kit to provide varying signal levels beyond what you can select directly from the XG3's front panel.
Q: To connect the XG3 to receivers, what adapters does Elecraft provide?
A: You can order both a BNC Male-to-BNC Male adapter. This is used with QRP radios that typically use the BNC connector for the antenna connection. We also have the BNC-to-SO239 adapter, which allow the typical PL259 connectors on antenna cables to be used. These can be ordered at the same time as the XG3.