Field Day - Cleaning Your Equipment

We've received questions regarding cleaning Elecraft equipment during Field Day, this is especially important when more than one person will be operating your rig.  We know that sharing is caring, however, cleaning has more meaning when it comes to COVID-19. We won't recommend any specific COVID-19 CDC approved cleaning products to clean your equipment since we have not tested any of these agents to see if they damage screens, buttons, and the outer coating. When cleaning your equipment, don't use harsh chemicals such as bleach; avoid getting moisture in any openings, and don't submerge your equipment in any cleaning agents (This may sound ridiculous but "COVID-19 clean" can make people go to extremes when it comes to sanitizing.)  If you decide to use a cleaning agent on your equipment, spritz a disposable micro cloth with the solution and wipe your equipment - don't spray the cleaning agent directly on your gear. Throw away the micro cloth after use.

We also suggest placing hand sanitizer and a short note next to your equipment asking folks to sanitize hands before and after use. Don't forget that hard surfaces such as tables, chairs, pencils, pens, and clipboards should be sanitized throughout the day.
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  • Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

  • Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

  • K4 is my next radio without a doubt. I have the confidence that will be as great as all their
    products. If all the manufactures would model theirselves after the people that work at Elecraft, what a wonderful world this would be. Great folks….

    Thomas Ponder

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